Nomthandazo Polo’s killer sentenced to 15 years

Nomthandazo’s mother Senzeni Poo said she has accepted the sentencing but feels that it is not enough punishment.

Kwa-Thema – The Poo family breathed a sigh of relief when the judge at the Benoni Magistrate’s Court sentenced Kagiso Thobela to 15 years direct imprisonment on Thursday.

In March, Thobela assaulted his long-term girlfriend Nomthandazo Poo to death and attempted to dismember parts of her body with an electric saw.

The 29-year-old from Geluksdal was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.

He pleaded not guilty in his affidavit, which was read by his lawyer in court. Thobela, however, shared details for the first time of how Nomthandazo died.

He alleged they were fighting and Nomthandazo assaulted him with a stick. To restrain her, he strangled her until she stopped breathing.

Thobela claimed he attempted to do CPR and showered her with water in an attempt to resuscitate her but she didn’t respond.

When he realised she was dead, he panicked and tried to cut off her body parts in a bid to later dispose of them.

He immediately called his friends and family, informing them about the incident and said that he was going to commit suicide.

Nomthandazo’s mother Senzeni Poo said she has accepted the sentencing but feels that it is not enough punishment.

“He abused my daughter for years and got away with it, threatened her life countlessly and finally carried out his threats. He only gets a 15-year sentence?

“I know a lengthy sentence will not bring her back but it would have offered us solace for losing her in that horrific manner,” she added.

The mother stated Thobela did not show any remorse during his court appearances.

“He only asked to speak to me last week Tuesday and I refused. Why now, what is it that he now wants to tell me that he failed to say when I needed answers after he killed my daughter?” she questioned.

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